Rising Stars Gymnasts Academy has two competitive teams:
- The Developmental Program (DP) team is organized according to the guidelines of USA Gymnastics. RSGA competes USA Gymnastics levels 3-10 with ages of competitors ranging from 6-18 years of age. Gymnasts are invited to join the team based on their readiness and space availability. Click here for more information info on our Development Team! Questions about our DP team program can be sent to Pavel or Elena at [email protected]
- The Xcel team is a competitive program for gymnasts who are currently in our Masters level or have previous gymnastics training, would like to gain competition experience, and are invited to the program by an RSGA Xcel coach. This program allows gymnasts to gain valuable competitive experience as well as strength, flexibility, and confidence to pursue other activities. Our Xcel gymnasts compete in Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond levels in the Xcel program under USAG rules. All levels use optional routines with specific skill difficulty requirements. Click here for more info on our Xcel Team! Questions about our Xcel team can be sent to [email protected]