Lil’ Rollers (Ages 2-3; with caregiver)
Lil’ Rollers (ages 2-3; with caregiver)
Lil’ Rollers is a 45 min co-ed class that brings the caregiver into the gym amidst the excitement in this coach-led, caregiver-assisted. The caregiver works with the developing toddler through activities designed to improve balance, strength, muscle development and hand-eye coordination. Children will begin to socialize and learn how to interact with other children. A parent, grandparent, nanny or other adult is required to attend class.
When a child shows progress and has gained independence in following directions, the coach will let the caregiver know the child is ready for the next level.
Tiny Twisters (Ages 3-4)
Tiny Twisters (ages 3-4; without caregiver)
Tiny Twisters is a co-ed class for three and four year old children. This class will be introducing the fundamentals of gymnastics that are worked on throughout the program leading into our recreational classes. This is a 45 minute class. Coaches will notify the caregiver when the child is ready to move up to the next level. Coaches make this decision based on the child’s knowledge of skills, class performance and the ability to follow directions independently.
*Jumping *Swinging (bar)
*Rolling *Kicking
*Supporting body weight (bar) *Balancing
*Intro to Cartwheel *Headstand
Super Tumblers (Ages 4-5)
Super Tumblers (ages 4-5; without caregiver)
Super Tumblers is a co-ed class for four and five year old children who are ready to learn more challenging gymnastics skills. This class introduces new skills that are needed for our recreational beginner level, but also builds on the skills learned in any previous level. Coaches will notify the caregiver when the child is ready to move to the next level. Coaches make this decision based on the ability to perform the necessary skills. Once your child has passed through the pre-school program they will be approved for the beginner level class starting in the recreational program.
*Cartwheel shape *Jump to bar grip hold (bar)
*Backward roll *Monkey walks (bar)
*Lever, Handstand *Front support, casts (bar)